Fashion & Relationships: 3 Tips on How to Look Classy But Casual On a Date

How to Look Classy But Casual On a Date

Elevate Your Style, Elevate Your Love: While it’s true that love and attraction are based on much more than just appearances, how you present yourself can have a meaningful impact on your relationship. Here are a few tips on how to look classy but casual on a date. As a fashion stylist, I’ve seen firsthand

The Simple Key to Wedding Dress Code. What to Wear to a Wedding as a Guest: The Dos and Don’ts

What to Wear to a Wedding as a Guest: The Dos and Don'ts

If you’ve been invited to a summer wedding, you might be wondering what to wear to a wedding as a guest. These helpful tips on what to wear and what not to wear to a summer wedding will help you be the best-dressed guest. As the summer season approaches, so does the season of love

9 Fashion Mistakes That Make You Look Heavier and Tips on How to Dress to Look Slimmer

How to dress to look slimmer and about 9 major fashion mistakes to avoid

Depending on your height or body type, the shape and the length of your clothing can add pounds to your look. Wearing extremely long or too tight clothes can make you appear heavier than you actually are. Learn how to dress to look slimmer and about nine major fashion mistakes that can make you appear

What to Wear on a First Date in Winter: 8 Fabulous First Date Outfit Ideas for Women

First date outfit ideas for Women

Thinking about what to wear on a first date? Here are 8 stylish and trendy winter first date outfit ideas that will make you look absolutely stunning! Do you feel a little anxious about going on a first date? Does your memory of the last one make you cringe with embarrassment? Maybe you don’t know