Your image and your personal style can make you or break you. It can have a significant impact on your life.
The image we project affects our mental state, it affects our perception of ourselves, and other people’s perception of us.
You may not be aware that other people will respect you in the direct proportion how you respect yourself. And how much you respect yourself shows in your appearance.
It only takes 10 seconds to form a first impression. When we see somebody we make a mental judgement of this person in 10 seconds.
Your appearance talks to other people. It says a lot about you without saying anything.
Many people make an excuse saying: “I don’t have the time or money!” It’s not about spending a lot of time or money on clothes. It’s about taking care of what you have.
Join this Personal Styling Workshop for Women “7 Easy Ways to Change Your Look to Change Your Life” to learn about personal styling and to find your best looks!
Style Fix Studio offers a range of personal styling services for men and women from Online Personal Styling to Personal Shopping with an In-Person Try-on Session, to Total Image Makeover Services for all ages. Contact Style Fix Studio today to schedule a consultation. Transform your look, transform your life!
Which workshop(s) are you interested in? Request a Quote for a Workshop, and we will get back to you within 48 hours.