Due to society often pushing a negative and limiting narrative for mature women, women in their late 40s often worry about a lot of things, including grey hair, wrinkles and feeling hopeless about still looking fashionable in their middle years.

But there is no age limit when it comes to stylish fashion. You can still preserve your youthful look with the right fashion sense and look fabulous if you are 40 or older. It is in fact, the perfect time to experiment with your personal style! If you were into following the latest fashion trends in your 20s and 30s, consider switching to more classic fashion choices in your late 40s.
Great style is ageless! In this Personal Styling Workshop for Women Over 40 you will learn 7 fashion tips on how to dress simple bur stylish that will help you look your best!
By the end of this workshop you’ll have learned how to let go of the clothes that no longer serve you, how to shop strategically for your body type, color palette and lifestyle, and how to create expressive outfits that are all your own, taking your style to the next level.
When you stock your closet with items that fit well and that you feel confident, comfortable, and beautiful in, you’re off to a good start!
Style Fix Studio offers a range of personal styling services for men and women from Online Personal Styling to Personal Shopping with an In-Person Try-on Session, to Total Image Makeover Services for all ages. Contact Style Fix Studio today to schedule a consultation. Transform your look, transform your life!
Which workshop(s) are you interested in? Request a Quote for a Workshop, and we will get back to you within 48 hours.