The role of a personal stylist in the art world
The role of a personal stylist in the art world is to take their creative soul and expand it into clothing. It’s not about placing a look onto a person, but rather drawing the artistic sensibilities out of one and into a look that expresses them more fully.
“It is putting trust into another person’s artistic skills to allow them to elevate your look.”

Personal Styling project inspired by Gustav Klimt
My Mood Board is called “Creating Artistic Looks”, it was inspired by an Austrian symbolist painter Gustav Klimt. I wanted to create artistic looking outfits using his bright vivid, life-asserting color palette: yellow, brown, gold, sand, copper red, mahogany, fire red and black.
Klimt combined figures and objects with design elements, so that the figures themselves became decorative elements, both standing out from and blending into their surroundings.
I used the following items for my “Creating Artistic Looks” Mood Board:
1. Photos of Gustav Klimt original paintings “The Kiss’ and “The Woman in Gold” that I saw at Klimt exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts
2. Glass bowl with “The kiss” fragment, bought in a souvenir shop
3. Metal enamel bracelet (yellow, red and brown), bought in a boutique
4. Copper red cardigan (New York Clothing Company, polyester), bought online
5. Sandy yellow shirt (Velvet Heart, Rayon), bought online
6. Black silk blouse (Michael Kors), bought online
7. Multi-colored silk scarf with Klimt’s print), bought online
8. Yellow and black cardigan (Kasper, cotton/viscose), bought online
9. Beaded necklace: I made it myself from yellow, gold and red beads
10. Black T-shirt with yellow flowers (Gerry Weber Collection, cotton), bought in a boutique
11.A string of beads: I made it myself
Style Fix Studio offers a range of personal styling services for men and women from Wardrobe Audit, to Personal Styling Service with a Try-on Session, to Full Makeovers Services for all ages. Contact Style Fix Studio today to schedule a consultation. Transform your look, transform your life!